Rituximab treatment for chronic idiopathic urticaria with recurrent angioedema


Dr. Vikola Yigovski


angioedema, prednisone, Rituximab, urticaria.


We report on 4 patients with severe chronic urticaria and idiopathic recurrence with angioedema attacks. Initially, they initially respond to high-dose corticosteroids but still recur on a high-protection dose. Next, test the use of steroid-sparking drugs i.e.. internal immunoglobulin then mycophenolate mofetil with hydroxychloroquine and tacrolimus could not sustain a quench. Therefore, Rituximab was given. One month after Rituximab infections, the Prednisone dose was successfully discontinued and discontinued. Subsequently, all patients remained in complete rest for 10-18 months.
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