Parenting stress in Mothers of visually impairment children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Bushra Ghafoor Phd Scholar Dptt of Sociology & Criminology University of Sargodha.


: Parenting stress, mothers, Visually Impairment, Autistic children


Autism spectrum disorder is the chronological disorder was badly effect the child every characteristic of the child development. Objective: The main objective of this review article to extent the mother’s psychological well-being of visually impairment in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Method: A literature review was screening several previous studies.

Results: Several studies explored various themes including parenting stress, anxiety, feeling of grief, low matrimonial satisfaction, family support, financial support and diagnosis of visually impairment with autism.

Conclusion: Mostly studies concluded that autism is a long-lasting disorder with other chronic discrepancies. Parents specially mothers in high stress and worry about his or her special child. It is very painful for parents when they diagnosed their child visually impairment with autism spectrum disorder. Mothers were much conscious about her child better future.  



How to Cite

Ghafoor, B. . (2023). Parenting stress in Mothers of visually impairment children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clinical Medicine Insights, 4(4). Retrieved from


