Diet and Non-Communicable Diseases: Part II Cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, Kidney Diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis


Shashi K. Agarwal


diet, non-communicable diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis


Several global studies have shown that diet plays an important role as a modifiable lifestyle factor in the development and progression of non-communicable diseases. A proper diet with a balanced percentage of macronutrients, viz. carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It is also selective in the choice of macronutrients, preferring those that are plant-based, and avoiding refined carbohydrates, animal-based proteins, and saturated fats and trans-fats. It is also rich in needed micronutrients viz. vitamins and minerals, and adequate intake of water. This manuscript deals with the important role of a prudent diet in five major non-communicable diseases.

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