Study of utilisation of CT scan machine at a tertiary care teaching hospital


  • Mohd Sarwar Mir Resident Medical Officer, SKIMS


Utilization, CT scan, Efficiency


In today’s health care environment, the equipment purchase must be cost justified. As India is a developing country with constrained resources and hi-tech hospitals, CTs are most cost effective than other image modalities on image quality. Establishment and maintenance of CAT scan unit in a hospital is expensive and every effort must be made for optimum utilization of this equipment in appropriate manner.


Utilization of imaging equipment is an important parameter for planning of services as these equipments are costly and under utilization can lead to massive losses due to depreciation and other reasons.

In our study, utilization coefficient of CT machine was found to 60% which shows that our machine is being properly utililised as per set norms.



How to Cite

Mir, M. S. . (2023). Study of utilisation of CT scan machine at a tertiary care teaching hospital . Clinical Medicine Insights, 4(4). Retrieved from




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