Cure of the intestinal disorders.


  • Michael Vladislavovich Tyurin M.D., Ph.D., the CEO, Executive Chairman of Microbial Biocatalyst International, Inc. and Inorgcarbdiesel, Inc. P. O. Box 300230, Houston, TEXAS, the USA


Background and Aims: Double Check again our hypothesis that human intestine is the natural entryfor the recombinant proteins into the bloodstream. The volunteer with chronic pancreatitis has been cured from the lipase absence in his duodenal content during the food intake. Methods: The human intestinal bifidobacterium has been genetically modified to express recombinant human pancreatic lipase absent in volunteer after the volunteer ingested that recombinant strain. Results: The described study again confirms the role of human intestine for the delivery of the recombinant proteins to the blood circulation.  Conclusions: Intestinal microflora is the gate for the recombinant proteins, opening new frontiers in the recombinant vaccines delivery for less then 200 hours and the recombinant proteins delivery instead of the scientifically compromised adenoviral delivery system used by the genetic engineering companies around the World. Key Words: pancreatic lipase insufficiency; new gates for recombinant proteins delivery.


The cure from pancreatic lipase absence during the food ingestion was offered.

New and well known gate for the recombinant proteins delivery to the blood stream is offered.



How to Cite

Tyurin, M. V. . (2024). Cure of the intestinal disorders . Clinical Medicine Insights, 5(1). Retrieved from


