MALDI-ToF Analysis of Mitochondrial Peptides


Adam Good
Alicia Wells
Ben Katz
Michael Alexander
Dmytro Klokol
Mike K.S. Chen
Michelle B.F. Wong
Desiree C.T. Cox
Jonathan R.T. Lakey


peptides, Mito Organelles (MO) Peptides, mass spectrometry, MALDI-ToF


Abstract: Short peptides are known to play an important role in modulating transcription, in transmitting biological information and in restoring the genetic alterations that occur with aging. This paper aims to describe a method of identifying the population of peptides within a peptide cocktail formulation. A sample of lung-derived Mito Organelle (MO) Peptides (LBS) of specific pathogen free (SPF) mammalian rabbits sourced from Charles River Labs were analyzed by mass spectrometry and chromatograms were generated for further examination. The experimentally derived peaks were compared between two batches of LBS MO peptides using MALDI-ToF mass spectroscopy. The following report outlines the experimental methods and the results from performing MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry on various peptides from the company European Wellness (EW).

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